One Cool Dude.

—There are times in life when you just come across a  really cool dude. The type of guy where you find yourself evaluating your own level of coolness. This situation happen upon me while photographing singer and guitarist Gary Clark Jr. for Sonos. — Firstly I’d like to think that I, myself am a pretty cool guy. At least I try to be…. On this particular shoot. We were in the Hollywood Hills and Mr. Clark was there shooting a commercial for the brand. I’d get a moment with him from time to time in between the takes. I recall him being a sort of down to earth kind of guy. Really humble and generous with his time.

We shared a laugh or two about the irony that two black guys named Gary could be in the same room at one time. And I think we both came away thinking the other was on some level “pretty cool”.




The Stray Cat.